If you know of me personally, you know that my husband and I are on the road a lot for his band's gigs. The typical routine is to have one person hold the phone and navigate while the other person drives. This can be a bit bothersome, as one person has to hold it so that the driver can see. Additionally, the calibration in the phone will change direction at the slightest tilt. It's annoying to have to hold the phone a certain way, for any amount of time. It's also easy to lose the phone when not using it for GPS purposes. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but in our roadtrip condition, we are absolute slobs because we're essentially living in the car.
Needless to say, I jumped on the opportunity to review a product that would make our travels more convenient. CJ's Savings offered this promotion to me in exchange for my honest opinion.
I know, I know. My car needs a dusting. |
To be honest, I expected to get a cheaply assembled, Chinese piece of crap (let's face it, most of these products are worth about $1 and break within a few uses). What I got, however, was a pleasant surprise. Upon opening the box, I pulled out a sturdy, thick piece of plastic. The phone holder itself slides to adjust to different positions for the phone and different sizes of phones. The clip on the back was my main concern, but it is actually made of very thick, durable plastic. I tested the Dash Mate with my phone and was pleasantly surprised to see that it fit. I have a cheap Straight Talk phone, so typically accessories don't work with it. The Dash Mate is extremely adaptable, and it worked perfectly! The final test was to see if it actually fit the air vent in my car. Turned one way, it was a little loose and slid around. HOWEVER, I quickly realized that it wasn't SUPPOSED to fit that way. Once I turned it the other direction, it stuck to my vent like Velcro. It doesn't rattle or slide around and it fits snugly. When you need to pull it out, it is easily removed. I'm very impressed with how well the Dash Mate works and the quality of the product overall! Highly recommended by this traveling blogger!
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